M1TQ Acceleration Program Closing

Two-month M1TQ Acceleration program is reaching the end and we’re excited to invite investors, the startup ecosystem representatives, and the wider public to the M1TQ Demo Day on October 4th to hear the pitches of all the top startup teams. 
These are the teams that successfully passed the M1TQ hackathon that took place on May 20-22 in Yerevan, Armenia. 
Over the past few months, they have been busy building their MVPs, developing a business and marketing plan, and working on other challenges they faced. Now, they completed the program and are ready to show you how far they’ve come and what upcoming plans they have. 

Event Detail:
Address From To

Digitain Armenia, Admiral Isakov Avenue, Yerevan, Armenia

06:30 PM
November 7, 2022

10:00 PM
November 7, 2022