Robin the Robot appeared in National Geographic

National Geographic Kids magazine devoted an article to Robin the Robot, created by Expper Technologies, an Armenian company. The magazine called Robin “Robot Doc.” One of the authors of the robot, Karen Khachikyan, told about this on his Facebook page.

Who is Robin the Robot?

The creators of Robin the Robot call it an “emotional support robot”. Today it is quite widely used in hospitals to help children cope with the stress of medical interventions.

Specialists have conducted a lot of psychological research, and thanks to the collected data Robin can analyze the emotions of children in real time and quickly respond to them. The robot speaks to children, jokes, explains to them the course and purpose of medical intervention, organizes games.

The robot is 119 cm high and is made of recyclable plastic, which is easily sterilizable, which reduces the risk of spreading viruses.

The robot passed its first two-month tests in Armenia. During this time, it interacted with about 100 children and as a result of this interaction, the children’s mood increased by 26% and stress decreased by 34%.

Robin the Robot and the elderly

Robin the Robot can provide emotional support not only for children, but also for adults and especially the elderly. Alzheimer’s Care Armenia, an NGO, and Expper Technologies investigated the use of the robin to improve the well-being of the elderly.

Experts hope that such robots can be used to improve the cognitive abilities of the elderly, reduce symptoms of depression and, of course, improve their quality of life.

Robin the Robot: in the spotlight

National Geographic Kids was not the first magazine to publish an article about Robin. Time magazine named Robin one of the best innovations of 2021. Forbes, ABC News, Fox News, Discovery and other prestigious magazines also wrote about the robot.

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