The Story

Historically Armenia has always been a leader in tech research and production, earning itself the title of “The Silicon Valley of the Soviet Union.” Over the past years, the AM startup ecosystem, fueled by national tech talent, has experienced accelerated growth in the size and quality of ventures created. Today, AM is the new innovation hub of the region. With the increase in new enterprises and support initiatives in the industry, having a centralized platform for information and communication is becoming a necessity.

Venture.AM is the answer to this need. Call it an “all-things-AM-startups,” our mission is to deliver the knowledge, tools, and network for young Armenian enterprises to grow under one roof.

Creating a startup is a way to serve &
leave an impact in the country we live in.

Venture.AM has three beneficiary groups;  

  • The AM founders, regardless of background and years of experience, seeking any form of support,  
  • The domain experts and investors in the global AM community looking for high-potential enterprises to fund and champion, 
  •  The general public is experiencing any form of interest in any part of the extensive ecosystem. 

Partners and Supporting Companies

While we are inspired to grow and build a bigger platform, doing this alone, much like anything else in life, would be impossible. 
 We are proud to have our partners’ support.


BANA Angels

Formula VC

If you, too, are interested in collaborating with us in our ambitious journey, reach out to us at [email protected].

We are always happy to welcome and celebrate the community into action.